for Sokkia and Topcon
Please see the attached SIB (Service Informational Bulletin) for the latest release of GNSS firmware and SRU/TRU for connecting to the all models of GNSS.
Models supported by this update:
Systems • Topcon NET-G5, HiPer HR, HiPer VR, MR-2, GR-5 1 , AGM-1, AGS-2 2 , GR-i33 • Sokkia GNR5, GRX3, GCX3 OEM • Topcon B111, B111A, B125, B210
To access all new features and improved functionality available in GNSS Firmware 5.5 the following Topcon software versions (or later) are recommended:
SRU/TRU v3.6.1 o MAGNET v7.3.1 • BLE Firmware v1.8 (HiPer VR, GRX3)
Features and Changes Signal tracking
o Improved initiation of signal tracking process for receiver configurations without backup battery
• BeiDou o BDS B1C signal support including tracking, raw measurement generation, raw data output, positioning, correction messages (GCX3)
o Extended BDS B1C & B2A correction message support (BINEX, RTCM3)
o New BDS-3 B2b signal support including tracking, raw measurement generation, raw data output, positioning, correction messages
o Add BDS support for PRNs 59 – 63 including tracking, measurement generation, raw data output, standalone positioning
• GALILEO o Output of GAL I/NAV and F/NAV signals
• GPS/QZSS o GPS L1C signal support including tracking, raw measurement generation, raw data output, positioning, correction messages (GCX3, B111, B111A)
• QZSS o QZSS L1C signal support including tracking, raw measurement generation, raw data output, positioning, correction messages (GCX3, B111, B111A)
o QZSS L1C/B signal support including tracking, measurement generation, raw data output, standalone positioning, correction messages
o Enable tracking of all QZSS PRNs by default o QZSS L6 signal tracking improvements o Improvements for handling unhealthy QZSS satellites
• GLONASS o GLONASS L3 signal support including tracking, measurement generation, raw data output, standalone positioning, correction messages (GR-5)
o Option added to control GLONASS L3 signal tracking (OAF)
• SBAS o Improved acquisition time for WAAS satellites
o Update to identify QZSS -SAIF satellites under SBAS type (previously GPS)
• General o Improved signal acquisition after receiver cold start o Extended Automatic Gain Control (AGC) implementation to support ‘in-field’ calibration4
o Autonomous GNSS signal tracking for better SNR & positioning performance in moderate levels of interference
• Positioning • Galileo only positioning mode (NET-G5, HiPer HR, HiPer VR, MR-2, GR-5, GNR5, GRX3, B125, B210)
• Improve RTK performance & stability after correction type change
• New mode that reduces probability of RTK position outliers which is beneficial when working with longer baselines (enabled automatically for baselines > 100 km)
• New feature for detecting and alerting users to base station movement
• StarPoint NTRIP correction services support (GCX3, B111 OEM, B111A OEM)
• New Baseline Seeding feature for Skybridge PPP that improves convergence and position quality
• Extended PPP configuration settings for improved performance
• DGNSS positioning improvements Data rates
• 100 Hz GPS + GLONASS dual frequency RTK positioning (B210)
• 20 Hz GPS + GLONASS + Galileo + BeiDou dual frequency RTK positioning
• Improved 100 Hz raw data logging to SD card when using CSD profiles (Net-G5 with def2 data set)
And much, much, more features and benefits (please read the attached)